Oman photos

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Re: Oman photos

Post by gambler » Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:05 pm

Tut- You are a legend :thumbsup

Love all the stories. I have read the thread a couple of times now. Aways laugh out loud when i read about the dog jumping into the back of the hearse. My dad used to have a alsatian that would have done exactly the same thing. Also love the line about the disposable french bloke

You should really write a book. Sell it at knockhill with free pax laps!
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Re: Oman photos

Post by davidwilson11 » Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:04 pm


superb picture of the trucks mate!!!

would love to see more if you have them.


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Re: Oman photos

Post by Paolo » Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:20 pm

L E G E N D !


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Re: Oman photos

Post by S111Y TT » Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:44 pm

Never saw this post before. Great read but still a million and one more stories that could be added to it. You spoke about when you were shot down etc but didn't mention when you had engine failure and a VIP passenger was on board. You managed to make it to land and put it down safely and you were commended on your actions. I think that is right because I remember seeing the letter beside your medals when I was little.

I still do vote for the book of Tut. Although your my dad and I know you can be a right prick at times I think I'll always be jealous of how much you have done. Reading all these stories makes me want to stick my job and head for the Royal Marines as we had always planned for both me and Luke. The upsetting part is I know I could do it and get in as Officer but I also know times have changed and it would never be the same or even compare to this.

Anybody got a time machine?
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Re: Oman photos

Post by tut » Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:48 pm

Stick with the job Ian, I think the Royal Marines would have been a great career for yourself and Luke, but not at present. IED's and snipers are a different type of warfare, I could usually see who was trying to kill me so it was a level playing field, you did not get blown to pieces, just shot. I was only on the ground for three years before I started flying, so that was a different kind of danger but one I was much happier with.

I had forgotten about the Ireland incident, it was when the IRA started out in 1970, and I was over there with 41 CDO flying a Bell 47G as the first troops there. I was flying my CO into his HQ and we used to come under fire, so you had to use a tactical approach. The Lycoming piston engine was not the most reliable in the world, and it cut out whilst I was coming in low level.

The great thing about the Sioux was the inertia that it carried in the rotor blades, so it was probably the best auto-rotating helicopter ever. It meant that though I was committed to a straight in engine off landing, it would have meant into power lines, but I was able to hop over them and still have enough revs to do a run on landing. Like most pilots, if you get it right you are hailed as a hero, especially if you save a senior officer, but in fact you are just doing your job and saving yourself, the passenger is a bonus.

The proviso to joining the RM is if you could get in as a pilot, then that would be a whole new ball game. Get onto the Apache which I never had chance to, and then you really do have bloody big weapons to have fun with.


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Re: Oman photos

Post by Andy G » Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:33 am

met one of the Apache instructors on holiday - my god did he have some stories to tell. (still a long way to go to have as many as Tut though)
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Re: Oman photos

Post by keevster » Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:43 am

A lot of stories in those pictures Tut, that I'd love to hear!!

I've worked in Oman with the locals, quite recently in the middle of no where, and in my experience, they are good people. I worked in most of the middle east, but Oman always sticks in my mind.

Your a lucky man to be able to tell all these stories.

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